- Lesson
Module 1 : Navigation and Structure for Developers
Module 2 : Coding for Developers
Module 3 : Applying CSS for Developers
Module 4 : Using Color for Developers
Module 5 : Designing Forms for Developers
- Assessment
Digital Accessibility for Developers - Part 2
Course Survey

Accessibility for Web Developers - Part 2
Course 4 of 8 in Learning Path: Accessibility for Web Developers
Accessibility issues on the website tend to fall into two categories: issues for content contributors and issues for developers. Developers work with the HTML coding to create page templates, tools, and applications. This course examines all the ways developers affect accessibility.
1 hour
Course Objectives
- Understand the difference between full automated and semi-automated checks
- Build on automatic tests with manual review of items that need human interpretation
- Factor in your users’ needs and preferences with usability testing
Part 1 (This is the previous course.) - Course Sections and Topics: Link Here
- Developer Description and Role
- Accessibility Basics
- Images
- Tables
- Multimedia
Topics in this course, Part 2:
- Navigation and Structure
- Coding
- Applying CSS
- Color
- Forms